Breast lump 

Benign Breast lump

In adolescence, it can be fibroadenoma and fibrocystic changes while at the age of 35-50s, it can be a breast cyst.

what are the differences and similarities between fibroadenoma and fibrocystic changes?

in both conditions, pain occurs before the onset of menses. The difference is that fibroadenoma is a unilateral, single rubbery lump while fibrocystic changes are bilateral, multiple, and generalized small masses. pain in fibroadenoma is unilateral while in fibrocystic changes, it is bilateral.

what is the treatment of fibroadenoma?

Fibroadenoma regresses spontaneously after a few months. if it is persistent, then do USG to evaluate.

what is a breast cyst?

it occurs at the age of 35-50s. it is a tender, solitary mass that resolves after aspiration.

Evaluation of breast mass: if the age is less than 30, then do USG. if the age is more than 30, then do Mammography. Mammography cannot delineate mass in young females aged less than 30 because of dense breasts. 


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