HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS 1. BLACK COHOSH: it has been promoted for the treatment of post-menopausal symptoms. it causes hypotension, adverse estrogenic effects, and hepatotoxicity. 2. LICORICE: it contains glycyrrhenetic acid, which inhibits the conversion of cortisol to cortisone. it is used for viral infections/ bronchitis, and stomach ulcer. 3. Ginkgo biloba: it has been marketed as an anti-oxidant, used for memory enhancement. it is also used in dementia, macular degeneration, and peripheral vascular disease. Adverse effects include increased bleeding, especially in people taking aspirin. 4. Ginseng: it is also used for memory enhancement. Side effects include increased bleeding. 5. saw palmetto: it is used for the treatment of Benign prostate hyperplasia. Its adverse effects include mild stomach discomfort and increased bleeding risk 6. St John wort: It has been marketed for use in mild to moderate depression and insomnia. it is also used as an anti-inflammatory and wound healing. ...
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